Cornerstone GO電動車充電站於領展33個停車場陸續啟用 Cornerstone BUSINESS、領展、Lalamove及香港的士小巴商總會攜手 推出全港首個「綠色運輸 先導計劃」

Cornerstone GO電動車充電站於領展33個停車場陸續啟用
Cornerstone BUSINESS、領展、Lalamove及香港的士小巴商總會攜手 推出全港首個「綠色運輸 先導計劃」

助物流業「零投資、低門檻」轉型 電動車租賃、充電、泊車一站式配套滿足業界需要


(香港 – 2023年5月30日)為響應政府於2021年公布的《香港電動車普及化路線圖》,基石科技 (Cornerstone Technologies, 股份代號:8391) 作為香港電動車充電解決方案供應商的領導企業,一直積極拓展及優化電動車充電網絡、科技及各服務設施配套,推動電動車普及化。於去年,基石科技更正式成為領展資產管理有限公司(領展)其中一家電動車充電服務供應商,為領展旗下33個停車場安裝Cornerstone GO充電站。

Cornerstone GO位於領展T Town South停車場的電動車充電站今日正式啟用,為隆重其事,基石科技特別舉行Cornerstone GO 充電站啟用儀式暨「綠色運輸 先導計劃」發佈。基石科技旗下的全新品牌Cornerstone BUSINESS牽頭推出首個跨行業「綠色運輸 先導計劃」,匯聚行內領頭企業及商會,包括領展、Lalamove及香港的士小巴商總會,合力推動業界落實轉用商用電動車。


回應業界訴求 推出「綠色運輸 先導計劃」 引領企業商會邁向可持續發展

基石科技行政總裁葉兆康先生於致辭時提到:「商用電動車將面臨劃時代的改變,預視到巨大的商機在前,為了迎接未來商用電動車於運輸及物流業市場的發展,基石科技Cornerstone BUSINESS 的全新品牌eC-VAN已經率先投資及購入第一批電動客貨車,我們正顛覆及引領商用電動車踏出轉型的第一步。配合Cornerstone GO已建立的強大充電網絡優勢,我們更有信心進軍商用電動客貨車市場。eC-VAN將提供『租賃、充電、泊車』一站式解決方案,讓業界『零投資、低門檻』投入綠色物流。我們預計今年內,業界將有過百架客貨車轉換成電動車,其後增長將以倍數上升。」

葉兆康表示:「更重要的是,以eC-VAN的電動客貨車為例,每公里充電的成本(折後價)只是柴油的四分一,其營運成本大幅節省,變相業界會賺取更多利潤,有助提供更大的誘因令司機轉型。而『綠色運輸 先導計劃』 對實現零碳排放的目標有莫大裨益,根據數據顯示,電動客貨車與一般柴油客貨車相比,電動客貨車行駛每公里能減少碳排放達63% ; 而電動的士與一般石油氣的士相比,電動的士行駛每公里則能減少碳排放達35%。」

而環境及生態局首席環境保護主任(空氣質素政策)張展華博士於出席活動時亦表示:「在 2019年,全港只有6%電動私家車,在今年首季已增至63%。換句話說,在兩輛新私家車中,其中一輛已換成電動車,而充足的充電設施是推動電動車的關鍵因素。要建構一個電動車網絡,實在有賴政府和業界各位朋友的幫助,如基石科技作為『綠色運輸 先導計劃』的牽頭單位,匯聚不同企業及商會,包括Lalamove、領展及香港的士小巴商總會等。推動各界落實使用商用電動車的具體流程,打造綠色電動車生態系統。」



香港的士小巴商總會理事長周國强先生認為:「香港的士小巴商總會一直非常支持業界使用電動的士和綠色運輸。隨著『綠色運輸 先導計劃』的推出,對業界有更多實際的支持,包括充電折扣、首批轉用電動的士能獲$3,000充電津貼資助等等。未來將有更多Cornerstone GO充電站於領展旗下停車場落成,充電站供應問題解決了,業界的顧慮亦迎刃而解。到2024年底,業界估計至少需要有800至1,000架的士轉換成電動的士,才追得上政府期望2027年底前有3,000架電動的士的目標。」




而「eC-TAXI」則透過與香港的士小巴商總會合作,連結香港的士司機,一同量身訂造充電優惠方案及支援服務,包括充電額折扣及資助、全新充電體驗、充電入門速成班以及7×24 客服熱線等等,藉此鼓勵商總會會員參與綠色運輸,推動電動車普及化。

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基石科技於領展T Town South舉行Cornerstone GO 充電站啟用儀式暨「綠色運輸 先導計劃」發佈,(左起)香港的士小巴商總會理事長周國强先生、基石科技行政總裁葉兆康先生、環境及生態局首席環境保護主任(空氣質素政策)張展華博士、領展物業管理有限公司常務董事黎漢明先生以及Lalamove香港區總經理周嘉健先生一同出席活動,見證重要時刻。

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基石科技行政總裁葉兆康先生期望透過「綠色運輸 先導計劃」為業界提供充足的軟硬件配套及營運培訓,協助推動商用電動車普及化,共建可持續發展城市。

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環境及生態局首席環境保護主任(空氣質素政策)張展華博士表示要建構一個電動車網絡,實在有賴政府和業界各位朋友的幫助,如基石科技作為「綠色運輸 先導計劃」的牽頭單位,匯聚不同企業及商會,包括Lalamove、領展及香港的士小巴商總會等。推動各界落實使用商用電動車的具體流程,打造綠色電動車生態系統。

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香港的士小巴商總會理事長周國强先生表示香港的士小巴商總會一直非常支持業界使用電動的士和綠色運輸。隨著『綠色運輸 先導計劃』的推出,對業界有更多實際的支持,包括充電折扣、首批轉用電動的士能獲$3,000充電津貼資助等等。未來將有更多Cornerstone GO充電站於領展旗下停車場落成,充電站供應問題解決了, 業界的顧慮亦迎刃而解。

WhatsApp Image 2023 06 02 at 12.47.28 PM

左:Cornerstone GO快充充電站
右:Cornerstone GO中充充電站

1. KEN00028

Cornerstone BUSINESS全新品牌「eC-VAN」

4. KEN00535

Cornerstone BUSINESS全新品牌「eC-TAXI」

基石科技 (股票編號 : 08391) 專注於發展可持續的環保技術解決方案。基石科技以業界最嶄新科技,以便利、貼心的設計,研發電動車充電解決方案。基石科技位列「EV 屋苑充電易資助計畫」承建商名冊及電動車充電設備供應商名單。Cornerstone BUSINESS 為商用電動車提供「一站式管理、營運、充電配套」的 解決方案。如欲了解更多資訊,請瀏覽 ,有關Cornerstone BUESINESS 的商用解決方案,請瀏覽 。

Cornerstone Technologies to roll-out Cornerstone GO EV Charging Station across Link’s 33 Car Parks

Cornerstone Technologies to roll-out Cornerstone GO EV Charging Station across Link’s 33 Car Parks

Collaborates with Link, Lalamove, and Hong Kong Taxi & PLB Association to launch the very first “EV Green Transport Pilot Program” in Hong Kong

Supports logistics industry’s switch to EV with “Zero Investment and Low Threshold”
Launches EV rental service, charging and parking solutions to meet industry needs


Hong Kong, 31st May 2023Cornerstone Technologies (Stock Code: 8391), one of Hong Kong’s leading electric vehicle (EV) charging solution providers, is enhancing its comprehensive charging network, supporting facilities and services to promote the adoption of EV in response to the government’s “Hong Kong Roadmap on Popularisation of Electric Vehicles” (2021). Last year, Cornerstone Technologies became one of the EV charging service providers for Link Property Management Services Limited (Link) and is currently in the process of installing Cornerstone GO charging stations in Link’s 33 car parks across Hong Kong.

The Cornerstone GO EV charging station at The Link – T Town South Carpark was officially launched today. To commemorate the event, Cornerstone Technologies held a ceremony for the launch of the Cornerstone GO charging station and the “EV Green Transport Pilot Program”. Cornerstone BUSINESS, a new brand under Cornerstone Technologies, led the first cross-industry “EV Green Transport Pilot Program” in Hong Kong in collaboration with The Link, Lalamove, and the Hong Kong Taxi & PLB Association to promote the industry’s implementation of the transformation of Commercial EV. 

The launching ceremony was officiated by Mr. Vincent Yip, CEO of Cornerstone Technologies, as well as Dr. Sunny Cheung, Principal Environmental Protection Officer (Air Policy) of Environment and Ecology Bureau, Mr. William Lai, Managing Director of Link Property Management Services Limited, Mr. Gary Chow, Managing Director of Lalamove, and Mr. Chow Kwok-Keung, Chairman of the Hong Kong Taxi and PLB Association. The event announced the “EV Green Transport Pilot Program” and marked an important milestone in the popularisation of EV.


Launching the “EV Green Transport Pilot Program”, responding to industry demands, leading businesses and associations towards sustainable development

“Commercial EV will face a period of transformation, and enormous business opportunities lie ahead,” said Mr. Vincent Yip, CEO of Cornerstone Technologies. “To prepare for the future development of commercial EV in the transportation and logistics industry, Cornerstone Technologies’ new brand, “eC-VAN” has already invested in and purchased the first batch of commercial EVs. We aim to lead the way in commercial EV and provide a one-stop solution for ‘rental, charging, and parking’ to enable industries to invest in green logistics with “zero investment and low threshold”. With the strong advantage of the charging network established by Cornerstone GO, we have confidence in entering the commercial electric vehicle market. We expect that over a hundred commercial vehicles will be converted to electric vehicles within the industry this year, with further growth expected to increase exponentially.”,

Mr. Yip added, “Most importantly, the operating cost of “eC-VAN”’s commercial EV is significantly lower than that of diesel vehicles, with each kilometre of charging costing only a quarter of that of diesel vehicles when discounted. This will increase industry profits and provide greater incentives for drivers to transition to EV. The “EV Green Transport Pilot Program” will be of great benefit in achieving the goal of zero carbon emissions. According to data, electric vans can reduce carbon emissions by 63% per kilometre compared to a conventional diesel van, while electric taxis can reduce carbon emissions by 35% per kilometre compared to an LPG taxi.”

Dr. Sunny Cheung, Principal Environmental Protection Officer (Air Policy) of Environment and Ecology Bureau, said, “In 2019, only 6% of private cars were EVs, but this has increased to 63% in the first quarter of this year. This means that one out of every two new private vehicles is now electric, and sufficient charging facilities are a key factor in promoting EV. The “EV Green Transport Pilot Program” led by Cornerstone Technologies has brought together different enterprises and business associations, including Lalamove, The Link, and the Hong Kong Taxi & PLB Association to promote the use of commercial EV and create an EV ecosystem.”

Mr. William Lai, Managing Director of Link Property Management Services Limited, said, “We are committed to providing more comprehensive parking and charging facilities for green transport, and are actively studying preferential schemes for commercial vehicles to make it easier for the industry to transition to EV and create a win-win situation.”

Mr. Gary Chow, Managing Director of Lalamove Hong Kong, said, “Through the pilot programme with Cornerstone Technologies, we want to provide a low barrier path for driver partners to switch to electric vans. Leveraging Cornerstone Technologies’ one-stop solutions, coupled with the suite of offers by Lalamove, including quicker onboarding process, special onboarding perks, mission bonuses and more, we hope to motivate and attract drivers to switch to EV. Looking ahead, we will launch a series of promotions and driver recruitment workshops to introduce the benefits of adopting EVs to the public and interested driver partners, while improving the programme as we gather feedback from driver partners through surveys. Together, we hope to accelerate the adoption of EVs and green every mile we move.”

Mr. Chow Kwok-Keung, Chairman of the Hong Kong Taxi and PLB Association said, “The Hong Kong Taxi and PLB Association has always been very supportive of the use of electric taxis and green transport in the industry. With the launch of the “EV Green Transport Pilot Program”, there is now more practical support for the industry, including charging discounts and subsidies for the first batch of electric taxis, among other benefits. By the end of 2024, the industry estimates that at least 800 to 1,000 taxis will need to transit to electric taxis to catch up with the government’s goal of having 3,000 electric taxis by the end of 2027.”


Two new brands,”eC-VAN” and “eC-TAXI,” make it easier for the industry to transit to green transport

New brand “eC-VAN,” launched by Cornerstone BUSINESS, partners with logistics and delivery leader Lalamove to provide all-round support services for light truck drivers, from registration, EV leasing, charging services to parking discounts, making it easier for light truck drivers to participate in green logistics.

Furthermore, “eC-TAXI” collaborates with the Hong Kong Taxi & PLB Association to connect with Hong Kong taxi drivers, tailoring charging discount programs and support services, including charging introductory courses, and 7×24 customer service hotlines and many more, to encourage association members to participate in green transport and promote the popularization of EVs.

Photo 1

Cornerstone Technologies held a launching ceremony for the Cornerstone GO charging Station at T Town, and announced the “EV Green Transport Pilot Program”. (In photo, from left) Mr. Chow Kwok-Keung, Chairman of the Hong Kong Taxi and PLB Association, Mr. Vincent Yip, CEO of Cornerstone Technologies, Dr. Sunny Cheung, Principal Environmental Protection Officer (Air Policy) of Environment and Ecology Bureau, Mr. William Lai, Managing Director of Link Property Management Services Limited and Mr. Gary Chow, Managing Director of Lalamove, were present at the event to witness the occasion.

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(From left) Mr. Vincent Yip, CEO of Cornerstone Technologies, Dr. Sunny Cheung, Principal Environmental Protection Officer (Air Policy) of Environment and Ecology Bureau, Mr. William Lai, Managing Director of Link Property Management Services Limited, and Mr. Chow Kwok-Keung, Chairman of the Hong Kong Taxi and PLB Association witness the charging process of “eC-TAXI” together.

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Mr. Vincent Yip, CEO of Cornerstone Technologies, hopes to provide sufficient hardware and software support and operational training for the industry through the “EV Green Transport Pilot Program”, helping to promote the popularisation of commercial EV, and jointly building a sustainable city.

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Dr. Sunny Cheung, Principal Environmental Protection Officer (Air Policy) of Environment and Ecology Bureau, said that the establishment of an electric vehicle network really depends on the help of friends from the government and the industry and associations, including Lalamove, The Link and the Hong Kong Taxi and PLB Association. Promoting the implementation of specific procedures for the use of commercial electric vehicles by people from all walks of life will help to create an EV ecosystem.

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Mr. William Lai, Managing Director of Link Property Management Services Limited, said “The Link is actively researching preferential plans for the industry, providing better parking and charging facilities, thereby hoping to make it easier for the taxi and truck industries to switch to EV and create a win-win situation.”

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Mr. Gary Chow, Managing Director of Lalamove Hong Kong, said “Through the pilot programme with Cornerstone Technologies, we want to provide a low barrier path for driver partners to switch to electric vans. Leveraging Cornerstone Technologies’ one-stop solutions, coupled with the suite of offers by Lalamove, including quicker onboarding process, special onboarding perks, mission bonuses and more, we hope to motivate and attract drivers to switch to EV.”

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Mr. Chow Kwok-Keung, Chairman of the Hong Kong Taxi and PLB Association said that the Hong Kong Taxi and PLB Association has always supported the use of electric taxis and green transportation in the industry. With the launch of the “EV Green Transport Pilot Program”, there is more practical support for the industry, including charging discounts, and the first batch of electric taxis can receive a $3,000 charging subsidy, etc. In the future, more Cornerstone GO charging stations will be built in Link’s car parks. The supply problem of charging stations will be solved, and the concerns of the industry will also be resolved.

WhatsApp Image 2023 06 02 at 12.47.28 PM

Left: Cornerstone GO fast charging station
Right: Cornerstone GO medium-speed charging station

1. KEN00028

Cornerstone BUSINESS New Brand “eC-VAN”

4. KEN00535

Cornerstone BUSINESS New Brand “eC-TAXI”

About Cornerstone Technologies 

Founded in 2016, Cornerstone Technologies (Stock Code: 8391) is a leading innovator for EV Charging total solutions in Hong Kong. We are the catalyst for a cleaner, brighter tomorrow. Harnessing the power of high-quality, reliable technology for everyone, we help fast-track you toward a better future.

Cornerstone Technologies (Stock code: 08391) is dedicated to developing sustainable and environmentally friendly technological EV Charging solutions. Listed in the ” The EV-charging at Home Subsidy Scheme” contractor and electric vehicle charging equipment supplier list. Cornerstone BUSINESS provides a one-stop solution for the management, operation, and charging of commercial electric vehicles. For more information, please visit For the one-stop business solutions of Cornerstone BUESINESS, please visit


Cornerstone TechnologiesAnnounces Appointment of NewCEO

Leading Cornerstone Technologies to the next phase, strengthening its ambition to stay ahead of competition

18th October, 2021 – The Board of Directors (the ”Board”) of Cornerstone Technologies Holdings Limited (“Cornerstone Technologies”), announced today the appointment of Mr. Vincent Yip Siu Hong as Chief Executive Officer effective November 1.

Vincent has over 10 years of management experience. He has been the CEO of K11 Cultural Enterprise Businesses. Prior to that he was the group CEO at G2000 (Apparel) Limited. He started his career at McKinsey & Company, Inc, an international management consultant firm, as a business analyst in 2000 and was subsequently promoted to associate principal.

Vincent graduated from Oxford University in 2000 with a Master’s degree in Engineering and Computer Science. The Board is confident that Vincent, with his extensive experience and proven track record, will lead Cornerstone Technologies to the next phase, strengthening
the company to stay ahead of the competition in Hong Kong and beyond.

About Cornerstone Technologies Founded in 2016, Cornerstone Technologies (Stock Code: 8391) is a leading innovator for environmental sustainability solutions in Hong Kong. We are the catalyst for a cleaner, brighter tomorrow. Harnessing the power of high-quality, reliable technology for everyone, we help fast track you toward a better future. For more information, please visit

Media Contact:
Ms. San Liauw
PR & Brand Manager
Direct Line: +852 55017799
Mobile : + 852 55017799


Cornerstone Technologies - Produces Award Winning EV Charger

Chargic – Just won 2021 GREEN GOOD DESIGN® Award

HONG KONG, 17th May, 2021 – Cornerstone Technologies Holdings Limited (“Cornerstone Technologies”), , a leading innovator of environmental and sustainability solutions, today announced the award received from Green Good Design Award 2021.

Our brand new electric vehicle (“EV”) charger (“Chargic”) has received an award of Green Product/Graphic Design 2021 from Green Good Design. Chargic has been chosen from amongst hundreds of entries participated by 28 countries.

Green Good Design Award with Chargic v2
Cornerstone Technologies ' EV charger "Chargic" has received an award of Green Product/Graphic
Design 2021 form Green Good Design.

Cornerstone Technologies is moving one step ahead by taking the production of EV Charger one step further. While the competitors are still busy figuring out how an EV Charger should function to meet the market’s needs, Cornerstone Technologies has produced an EV Charger that addresses the aesthetic values of it. Chargic has been designed by taking its shape from the everyday dry cell battery, Chargic projects a subliminal visual cue for EV users to power up. Its curved edges cleverly hide the unit’s depth; the unit’s top and bottom obscure the cabling, while its rounded front gives it an elegant, simple aesthetic. This simple and uncluttered facade is complemented by subtle light-emitting diode (“LED”) backlighting from between the panels, hinting at the power within the unit. It gives users constant peace of mind by keeping them up to speed with their charging status: green – ready to charge; blue – charging; and red – an alert to check status. It’s designed to be convenient, safe, and easy to use – encouraging widespread usage.

Chargic encourages more people to choose emissions-free vehicles by offering them the ultimate convenience. Chargic carries a universal socket and various payment options, giving emission-free vehicles a hassle-free hook up to its holistic charging system. Its green credentials are boosted by the fact that it could be made using 30-50% recyclable polycarbonate; it is also waterproof and dust-proof, meaning no matter the weather conditions or climate, Chargic can be used for all car brands.

Chargic is a very good choice for developers who are planning for the EV enable car parks, we are producing Chargic with polycarbonate, it is versatile, high impact resistance, durable, also the production costs can be kept lower. We are truly proud with this invention which brings good design to your car parks and at the same time keeping the same quality functions to meet our customers’ needs,”

added Mr. Lawson Lau, the Executive Director of Cornerstone Technologies.

Each unit’s built-in camera functions as both a quick response (“QR”) code scanner – to authenticate users and activate the charger – as well as a Licence Plate Recognition System, proven to have helped car park operators manage their car parks efficiently. The charger has been designed in such a way that it can be easily mounted on a pedestal or wall, and its dust- and waterproof design ensures users’ connections will be safe from the elements.

Once a vehicle plugs in, the Central Management System takes over, connecting users to the entire network through its intricate software. Its Load Management System enables car parks to maintain the same electrical load while optimizing their power supply, meaning more chargers can be installed and used at maximum efficiency. Mapped out in Hong Kong and made for a carbon-free planet, this sleek and stylish charger makes the lives of EV users easier as well as driving the green revolution forwards into the future.

Chargic is not only an EV Charging made chic, Chargic is produced by Cornerstone Technologies without compromising its functions fully supported by the intricate charging system.

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“Chargic” addresses the aesthetic values and outstanding quality of functions.

About Cornerstone Technologies Founded in 2016, Cornerstone Technologies (Stock Code: 8391) is a leading innovator for environmental sustainability solutions in Hong Kong. We are the catalyst for a cleaner, brighter tomorrow. Harnessing the power of high-quality, reliable technology for everyone, we help fast track you toward a better future. For more information, please visit

Media Contact:

Ms. San Liauw
PR & Brand Manager
Direct Line: +852 55017799

基石科技參與五項政府充電站項目 致力推動電動車普及化

基石科技參與五項政府充電站項目 致力推動電動車普及化

400 new charging points installed in public car parks, shopping complex, recreational venues, and rural locations across Hong Kong

HONG KONG, 19th April, 2021 – Cornerstone Technologies Holdings Limited (“Cornerstone Technologies”), a leading innovator of environmental and sustainability solutions, today announced details of five government projects to add 400 charging points in urban and rural locations across Hong Kong. Two of the projects were funded by Hong Kong SAR government’s initiative to invest HK$120 million to extend the total number of chargers in the city to 1,700 by 2022. These projects reinforce Cornerstone Technologies’ commitment to accelerating electric vehicles (EV) adoption by providing accessible and reliable charging facilities to Hong Kongers.

“Leading a sustainable lifestyle is growing popular in Hong Kong, and EV adoption is key to helping people reduce their carbon footprint. Under the Hong Kong Roadmap on the Popularisation of EVs introduced last month, Cornerstone Technologies will continue to play an integral role in promoting EVs in Hong Kong. As a major player in the ecosystem, we will continue to engage new partners to explore sustainability projects that will benefit both the public and private sectors,” said Lawson Lau, Executive Director of Cornerstone Technologies.

As one of the first EV charging service providers in the city, Cornerstone Technologies strives to provide quality charging products and one-stop solutions tailored to the local EV ecosystem. Partnering with various Hong Kong SAR government departments, 400 additional charging points have been installed in public car parks, recreational venues, rural locations and shopping complexes across Hong Kong.

    • Public Recreational Facilities
      Working with the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) and the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, Cornerstone Technologies will be building up to 90 charging points covering 19 public recreational facilities under the Leisure and Cultural Service Department, including sports grounds, children’s playgrounds, swimming pools, as well as public beaches.
    • Government Car Parks Partnering with the EPD, 153 chargers from Cornerstone Technologies were installed in the Kwai Fong and Kennedy Town Government car parks. Cornerstone Technologies’ Load Management System (LMS) was deployed in the Kwai Fong location to effectively manage electricity supply and accommodate additional chargers without the need to increase electricity supply. The LMS was also the first in the city to be equipped with Even Distribution, Dynamic Change and Fail-safe Mode, ensuring fair, safe and reliable charging services for users.
    • Remote Locations
      To expand the geographical coverage of charging facilities, Cornerstone Technologies installed charging points in remote locations to serve cross-border commuters and residents on Lantau island.
      • Liantang / Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point As part of the Government’s pollution reduction programs Park-and-Ride (PnR) scheme, 120 charging points were installed at the border for EV drivers to park and charge their vehicles before crossing the border via public transport.
      • Mui Wo, Lantau Island Cornerstone Technologies has also leveraged its expertise to install chargers for the Mui Wo outdoor charging facility with safety and space-optimization in mind. Three chargers have been mounted on a single pole to save space and chargers were installed at disabled parking spaces.
    • Shopping Complex An EV charging station was installed at the Domain Shopping Mall in Kwun Tong, the largest shopping mall under the Housing Department. Cornerstone Technologies will continue to partner with the Housing Department to cover as much housing and shopping complexes as possible.

These additional charging points add on to the existing 700 units installed by Cornerstone Technologies across Hong Kong. Cornerstone Technologies hopes to continue expanding the geographic coverage of EV charging facilities in Hong Kong by working with the public, government departments and private sectors to foster a greener future for Hong Kong.

See the full list of Cornerstone Technologies’ charging stations here:

About Cornerstone Technologies Founded in 2016, Cornerstone Technologies (Stock Code: 8391) is a leading innovator for environmental sustainability solutions in Hong Kong. We are the catalyst for a cleaner, brighter tomorrow. Harnessing the power of high-quality, reliable technology for everyone, we help fast track you toward a better future.  For more information, please visit


Cornerstone Technologies Goes Public,Unveils Refreshed Brand

New brand and portfolio aimed at fast-tracking sustainable living

HONG KONG, 21st January, 2021Cornerstone Technologies Holdings Limited (“Cornerstone Technologies”), a leading innovator of environmental sustainability solutions, today announced its public listing (Stock Code: 8391), along with a refreshed brand identity and sustainability solutions portfolio aimed at accelerating its mission to foster a cleaner, brighter tomorrow. 

Homegrown sustainability provider goes public
Homegrown in Hong Kong, Cornerstone Technologies started off in 2016 as the only one-stop solution provider in the local electric vehicles (EV) charging market. With its strong in-house R&D team spearheading product development, Cornerstone Technologies designs and manufactures one of a kind solutions to fill gaps in neighbouring markets, attracting renowned clients including MTR, KMB and Hong Kong Housing Society.

Going public will enable Cornerstone Technologies to lead the development of EV charging and related technologies in Hong Kong, expand its footing to South East Asia, Europe, Australia and New Zealand, and diversify its portfolio to build a comprehensive ecosystem. 

New product portfolio for a comprehensive ecosystem
With this in mind, Cornerstone Technologies introduced a refreshed brand identity representing a new product portfolio boasting environmental technologies in 3 key areas, each complementing the other to make sustainable lifestyle choices accessible and easier.

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Cornerstone Charging: Making high quality, compact and reliable EV chargers easily available in the community to power Hongkongers’ daily commute with cleaner energy. 

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Cornerstone Energy: Apart from powering Hong Kong with clean, affordable energy systems tailored for urban living, Cornerstone Energy provides creative solutions such as giving a ‘second life’ to batteries.

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Cornerstone IT: Cornerstone IT is your partner in growing your business through innovation. We optimise operations with information technology and uncover new revenue sources. Through our pilot project, we’re deploying smart parking systems across Hong Kong and mainland China.

Lawson Lau, Founder and Executive Director of Cornerstone Technologies, said: “Hong Kongers are now more than ever before open to shifting to a more sustainable lifestyle. To accelerate this shift, we’re creating mindful and hassle-free solutions that cater to the needs of a variety of people, from individuals just starting out by exploring cleaner energy solutions to those pursuing smart mobility in the long run.” 

Chargic: A sleek addition to our charging solutions
Cornerstone Charging has installed 700+ charging points in Hong Kong and is expected to expand aggressively in 2021 after Hong Kong’s Environmental Protection Development introduced the HKD 2 billion “EV-charging at Home Subsidy Scheme” to encourage private residential buildings to equip their car parks with EV charging systems.  

With a comprehensive offering ranging from buy-and-own to subscription services, Cornerstone Charging strives to make efficient chargers easily available by offering free consultation on fund applications and technical advice to help properties transform their infrastructure with green energy. It also plans to launch new solutions such as second-life batteries, vehicle-to-grid (V2G) systems and wireless charging in 2021.  

Its latest addition to the product line is Chargic, a snazzy looking charger featuring a Load Management System that enables more EV chargers to be installed without having to increase electricity load, with License Plate Recognition system (LPRS) that eliminates unauthorised cars, empowering operators to take control. 

Community effort towards a sustainable future
With plans to hit bold milestones in the future, Cornerstone Technologies is creating a pipeline of smart solutions powered by the latest technologies. The company is also expected to announce exciting partnerships with various industry players and roll out major pilot projects involving active participation from the community. 

Lawson Lau added: “Innovation is the core of our sustainable future, so are our stakeholders and the community. We are committed to creating platforms, where industry players come together to innovate creative solutions that engage and invite all members of the community to act as agents of change. We are excited to encourage Hong Kongers to kick start their commitment to a cleaner future by offering them sustainable living choices for a better, brighter and healthier future.” 

About Cornerstone Technologies
Founded in 2016, Cornerstone Technologies (Stock Code: 8391) is a leading innovator for environmental sustainability solutions in Hong Kong. We are the catalyst for a cleaner, brighter tomorrow. Harnessing the power of high-quality, reliable technology for everyone, we help fast track you toward a better future.  For more information, please visit