
  1. 預約功能只適用於已登記的Cornerstone EV Charging 會員及其已登記的電動車,實時預約 將以一個電動車充電位為單位,如會員帳號內尚有未完成的預約,請先完成使用(按「到達並充 電」)或取消預約方可再次進行電動車充電預約服務。
  2. 所有預約服務必須在錢包餘額或優惠券餘額為 HKD 0 或以上時方可使用,如有需要,請先充值才可再次進行預約。
  3. 每人每日只預約的次數為兩次,如已達預約次數的上限,需於翌日方可再次預約。
  4. 充電預約免費預留時間以上方顯示的「免費取消時限」分鐘為準。在此期間,會員可免費取消該預約。
  5. 會員須於「免費取消時限」自行操作,包括但不 限於:確認電動車到達及停泊於指定的電動車車 位及使用指定的充電器開始充電,否則續後「預 約收費」(如未能如期到達或免費取消時限後取 消預約)的收費將會自動收取而不作另行通知。
  6. 「預約收費」 的價錢以上方顯示為準,以15分 鐘為一計算單位,如不足15分鐘亦當作一單位為計算。「預約收費」將以「預約保留時限」 作基準,作為相應計算最多的收費分鐘。 預約記錄最終將以系統為準並根據系統時間為標準,預約一經確定,系統會自動開始計算免費預留時間。
  7.  預約記錄最終將以系統為準並根據系統時間為標準,預約一經確定,系統會自動開始計算免費預留時間。
  8. 預約功能層Cornerstone EV Charging會員線上功能,一切以當時實際環境為準,或受以下條件 影響而取消或未能使用,不作另行通知,包括但不限於:停車位即時狀況、停車位使用情況、充 電器狀況及環境特殊因素等。
  9. 如會員因其他因素(包括但不限於:交通情況、停車場排隊等)而最終未能使用已預約的 指定電動車車位或使用指定的充電器充電, Cornerstone EV Charging Service Limited 不負責, 預約收費亦不會退還。
  10. 如有任何爭議, Cornerstone EV Charging Service Limited 將保留最終決議權。
  11. 會員如需即時協助,請按主頁右上角的「即時對話」或致電24小時客戶支援熱線+8526115 2143 確認預約

Terms & Conditions

  1. Charging Reservation is only applicable to registered Cornerstone EV Charging Members and their registered electric vehicles. The real-time reservation is based on one electric vehicle charging space. If there is an unfinished reservation in the account, please complete the reservation or cancel it before making another reservation.

  2. Before making any reservation, please check that your account have sufficient balance. All reservation services can only be used when the wallet balance or coupon balance is HKD 0 or above. If your balance is in negative balance, please top-up your account before making the reservation.

  3. Each user can make TWO reservations per day. If the maximum number of reservations has been reached, the next reservation must be made on the next day.

  4. The Charging Reservation will reserve 15 minutes for free. During this period, members can cancel their reservation for free.

  5. Members must start charging within 15 minutes under free reservation period by: Confirming the electric vehicle has arrived and parked at the designated electric vehicle parking space and start charging with the designated charger. Otherwise, subsequent (i.e. no show / late) reservation (idle fee) will be charged automatically without further notice

  6. Idle fee from absence (no show / late) calculated by every 15 minutes. After 60 mins upon the confirmed reserved time, the reservation will turn into expired and the charging and parking space will be released, reservation fee (idle fee) will also be charged.

  7. Final Reservation record will base on the system and by the system time as standard. Once the reservation is confirmed, the system will automatically start calculating the Free Reservation Period (i.e. Free Cancellation Period).

  8. Charging Reservation is an online function for Cornerstone EV Charging members, and it is subject to the actual environment during that period of time, or it may be cancelled or unavailable due to the following conditions without further notice, including but not limited to: Parking Space Status, Parking Space Usage, Charger Status, and Special Environmental Factors.

  9. Cornerstone EV Charging Service Limited will NOT be responsible if the member fails to use the reserved designated electric vehicle parking space or use the designated charger to charge, and the reservation fee (idle fee) will not be refunded.

  10. Cornerstone EV Charging Service Limited reserves the right to pursue if any charging facilities or ground locks are found to be damaged or vandalised.

  11. Cornerstone EV Charging Service Limited will not be responsible for any claims, demands, responsibilities or lawsuits caused by any user during the reservation and charging process.

  12. In case of any dispute, Cornerstone EV Charging Service Limited reserves the right of final decision.

  13. Regarding further information or enquiries, please click “Contact Us’ on the mobile app during working hour or contact our Customer Support hotline at +852 6115 2143 (24/7).

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